the sexual orientation
Transcended college on a transfer to bread, Master's in one hand, my plans up my sleeve. Slithered down the slide to the AT&T
Where I swindled an application, and was hired on a slope.
Toiled for a year before the Man came to say: "We don't like faggots. Get your ass out of here." Took my lover's hand; it was a day so divine. Straight men harrassed us, we had to fight for our pride.
What have I got to show? Two broken ribs and a toothless frown;
But man, I was doing time for a price they never found.
Cop snagged my buddy Jim... he's a queen you know. Beat him to an inch of his self-appointed fears; Stripped him of his assets; threw him in the closet defiled.
Poor guy won't come out anymore, a slave to city lava.
Psychoanalyst pinned me to a couch Diagnosing my unresolved Oedipal. Said, "Boy, women are the only way. Don't slight society by playing games."
I spit in his ear and slipped out the front door. Replied, 'You're the one who needs a solution. Shit, passing in lies for a neuterless score.' Kneeled at my priest's feet pleading,
'I'm not a sinner.' He smiled, "Take it easy. Once you see the light, you will lose this evil demon."
Curled my head and I cried. Doesn't even Jesus care?
All Father Pat could do was bless mepoor
misguided martyr.
Now I look at my brothers and sisters, an
underground phenomenon.
Leave be me, they sway.
I wish to pass.
Pass what? I ask. An ace of clubs for a queen of diamonds?
A loyal oath for a loaf of head?
Sigh, the struggle persists; with or without...
I look at all of you as you see each other,
One last breath before I go undercover.
What of the pursuit and our schemes?
The changes we had all once foreseen?
My subconscious echos softly, 'Lilt from this time Only deaf ears seem to thrive in seventy-five.'
He is right of course,
I must live a farce,
but that doesn't mean
For all humanoids must carry their banners,
And mine just may be a surplus of jabber.
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HIGH GEAR May, 1975
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-John Nosek